To improve, expand and assist the needy people in the areas of Healthcare, Education, Rural Empowerment, Relief and Rehabilitation operations, Wellness issues through strategic funding, Community initiatives and Partnerships with private & public institutions. |
Sponsorers willing to support the trust may...
Educate a child by donating Rs. 30,000/- per annum. |
Educate a child for 5 yrs. by donating Rs. 1,50,000/- from class 6th to 10th. |
May donate considerably towards the constructions of a building, block, class / hostel room, etc., which will be named after them or as per their choice. |
Payments or donations must be made through cheque/D.D drawn in favour of NTR Memorial Trust payable at Hyderabad. These contributions are tax exempted under sec.80G. |
Begin the charity at the home... To build the lives of the millions